Short stories consume you faster.

The Three Buskers

Every morning, we set up in the center of the thoroughfare. As the guitarist, the bassist, and the violinist each takes their position, the crowd parts around them, sometimes stopping to listen.

Rarely, very rarely, a kind soul will drop a few coins or bills into a case: beautiful music, they say; tenacious young men, they say.

They ignore me, and why wouldn’t they? Once in a blue moon, someone will condescend to me, tousling my hair and cooing. They don’t understand: they’re mine.


The Name of This Star




  1. Nice scene.

  2. mimi

    A bit spooky, the last line brought a chill.

    • The image reminded me of the Three Musketeers, the classic three-plus-one structure, and with a possessive word like “mine”, and the way all but the child look at the viewer, I couldn’t resist.

  3. UP

    Good story, very visual. BTW, no one Tossels my hair!!

  4. nice evocative in a totally customizable way*

    really good Six

    *no, not really sure of what that means, perhaps ‘resonates on a preconscious level’ would have been a better phrase

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