Short stories consume you faster.

Restoring the Threads

“It was grandmother’s. We could still reconstruct it, with a bit of work.”

“That’s work that we don’t need to do. We should give up. Things have changed since then. The world is different. Why fix the quilt?”

“Is it really that different? We made an oath.”

“I don’t remember making any oaths, do you?”

“Our duty goes beyond just us. This is for everyone.”

“And if I want a normal life? Something where I can participate instead of just observe forever?”

“Then that’s your choice, not mine.”

“What if nothing comes to me?”

“I know you’ll be inspired.”

Prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about something frayed. It could be fabric, like a flag or garment. It could also be nerves or temper. What is it to be frayed?


Visual Effects


Venom Is Thicker


  1. The choice to mend the frays or abandon them, to renew the quilt or toss is, is all about the inspiration of life. Great take on the prompt!

  2. The grandmother’s frayed quilt need to be repaired and stored for posterity. A great take on the prompt.

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