Short stories consume you faster.

Boughs of Old

As replicas go, this piece, depicting tree and decorative stone, is very realistic in texture. The arrangement of the objects evokes a sense of wonder as they all point to the sky, every line leading upward.

Composed of nanoglass and, surprisingly, actual wood, the piece relies too much on a a familiarity with trees as a prototype. This piece is accessible only to those who have seen a tree in their lifetime.

Three out of five stars

Prompt: Friday Fictioneers, 20 October 2017, photo © Sandra Crook


The Peasant and the Frog


The Unicorn Slayers


  1. I love this take on the prompt! Really original. I particularly like you awarding only three out of five stars – lovely little conceit.

  2. Lovely bit of thinking behind the story here. Good one.

  3. That’s why I went to see the giant redwoods last summer. Just in case all died before I do.

  4. That is a future that is all too likely.

    Did my earlier attempt to comment go anywhere? As I tried to post, the screen went wonky.

  5. A futuristic take where the emotion has been sanitised in the telling. Most unusual and captivating.

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