Short stories consume you faster.

The Unicorn Slayers

Unicorns don’t get murdered often. Most hunters don’t realize they’re people when they kill them. When that happens, they’re forgiven. It’s an honest mistake. When a unicorn is murdered, in full knowledge of what they are, apologies are never enough. Humans have their systems of justice. They would apply fines, prison time, and community service, as if these things can ever replace a lost life. The unicorns, they demand restitution.

Unicorns have no interest in due process. They have no interest in social order. Unicorns run wild, in the wilderness between outposts of civility. Unicorns want cloppsright. Most modern species have evolved past their violent urges. They seek rehabilitation and deterrence, not only retribution. Unicorns have not. That’s why we keep them in check. When a unicorn starts the cycle of vengeance, we put a stop to it.

Prompt: Tale Weaver- 10/26/17


Boughs of Old


Conditions for Safe Passage

1 Comment

  1. Love this approach, you’ve combined a few TW prompts the unicorn one with a great application of this weeks nonsense word…..thanks so much for adding to the TW this week.

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