Short stories consume you faster.

Dawn, Noon, Dusk

When he wakes up, the red light of morning streaming through his window, his heart skips a beat. The sun? Natural sunlight! He rushes out of bed greet it.

When she logs in, she responds to emails in order of panic. No, she assures the recepients of her comforting lies. No, there is nothing to fear. It will hold. Their arcology is the best on Io.

When they crouch down, underneath the sparking and burning wreckage of their glass and plastic castle, they look at each other with undeniable hatred. His dream lives, hers died. Simple. She kills him.

Prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that involves a dream.


Plenty of Fish in the Stars


  1. Oh! A bit of revenge?

  2. A deep look at competition through the lens of dreaming.

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